
Standard Library

The Library Reference is configured at compile time using defines that starts with CONFIG_PUMBAA_. The default configuration includes most functionality, as most application wants that. If an application has special requirements, for example memory constraints, it has to be configured to remove unnecessaray functionality.

The underlying MicroPython source code can also be configured in compile time. Often these configuration valiables starts with MICROPY_.

Simba can be configured as described in the Simba documentation, with the only difference that your config.h must include simba_config.h, as in src/config.h. Put your defines before this include.

Search order

Highest priority first.

Simba build system

  1. Command line as CDEFS_EXTRA="<configuration variable>=<value>".
  2. A file named config.h in the application root folder.
  3. The default configuration file, src/pumbaa_config_default.h.


  1. The variable build_flags in platformio.ini as build_flags = -D<configuration variable>=<value>.
  2. A file named config.h in the application source folder src.
  3. The default configuration file, src/pumbaa_config_default.h.

Arduino IDE

  1. A file (also called a tab) named config.h in the sketch.
  2. The default configuration file, src/pumbaa_config_default.h.


All configuration variables are listed in src/pumbaa_config_default.h.