3.1. kernel — Kernel

The kernel package is the heart in Simba. It implements the thread scheduler.

Simba documentation: kernel


Take the system lock. Turns off interrupts.


Release the system lock. Turns on interrupts.


Reboot the system. Sets all registers to their known, default values and restarts the application. Also known as a soft reset.


Put the currently executing thread on the ready list and reschedule.

This function is often called periodically from low priority work heavy threads to give higher priority threads the chance to execute.


Wait for given thread to terminate.


Get current thread’s id.


Set the name of the current thread to name.


Returns the name of the current thread.


Returns the identifier of given thread.

kernel.thrd_set_log_mask(thrd, mask)

Set the log mask of given thread.


Get the log mask of the current thread.

kernel.thrd_set_prio(thrd, prio)

Set the priority of given thread.


Get the priority of the current thread.

kernel.thrd_set_global_env(name, value)

Set the value of given environment variable. The pointers to given name and value are stored in the current global environment array.


Get the value of given environment variable in the global environment array.

kernel.thrd_set_env(name, value)

Set the value of given environment variable. The pointers to given name and value are stored in the current threads’ environment array.


Returns the value of given environment variable. If given variable is not found in the current threads’ environment array, the global environment array is searched. Returns None if the variable is missing.

class kernel.Timer(timeout, event=None, mask=0x1, callback=None, flags=0)

Instantiate a timer object from given arguemts. The timer expires timeout seconds after the timer has been started. When the timer expires given callback is called from interrupt context and mask is written to given event channel. Set flags to PERIODIC to create a periodic timer.

Simba documentation: kernel/timer


Start the timer.


Stop the timer. If the timer is stopped before it has expired it will never exipre. This function has no effect if the timer has already expired.


Pass this flag to Timer for periodic timers.